Getting Started with Office 365

Office 365

Office 365 is an integrated suite of tools that allow you to manage your files on the cloud and collaborate with virtual groups online. Many institutions are moving to using Office 365 as a platform for e-mail. Office 365 also comes with other services that makes it easier to work in the "cloud." These include OneDrive for storing files, access to Office Apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote), calendar, contact list, task lists, sites (web pages on SharePoint), and newsfeed. Institution accounts are set up and managed by the institution.

Office Online is also provided by Microsoft for free for individuals. A Microsoft account is used to set up and manage the service.

Guiding Questions

  • How can I use Office 365 to streamline my work?
  • How can I manage groups online?
  • How can I collaborate with groups online?
  • What other resources can I use to further develop my skills?

What's in this Handbook?

  • Outlook
  • Calendar
  • One Drive
  • People/Groups
  • Tasks

Joy of the Empty Inbox

Over the years I developed several strategies to manage my e-mail. My goal is to keep an empty Inbox. Read article outlining my strategies.

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