Scholarship Skills

For each of the items below, indicate if you apply the skill (check = Yes). If you would like more information about the item, check the box. Just because you don't apply a given skill, doesn't mean you have to request more information.

SkillI apply this skillI would like more informationNot ApplicableComments
Getting Started with Scholarship
I have recently read research related to advances in my field or specialty.
I have recently read research related to improving nursing education.
I collaborate with colleagues currently in practice.
I collaborate with peers at other colleges/universities.
I am a member of at least one professional society or community.
I attend at least one conference a year.
I use research to provide a foundation to implementing innovative instructional strategies.
I adopt innovative instructional strategies in my teaching.
I actively engage my students with innovative instructional strategies.
Finding Opportunities
SkillI apply this skillI would like more informationNot ApplicableComment
I define clear research goals.
I request funding for my research through the School of Nursing.
I request funding for my research through Washburn University.
I request funding for my research through external public and private grants.
Data Collection and Analysis
SkillI apply this skillI would like more informationNot ApplicableComment
I use specific research strategies to provide evidence on the effectiveness of my instructional strategies.
I conduct responsible research by conforming to all appropriate guidelines (IRB, HIPAA, etc.).
I use tools or a process for collecting and organizing my research.
I use specific data collection techniques to collect my evidence.
I use appropriate methods or processes to protect my data.
I use specific data analysis techniques to measure the effectiveness of my strategies.
Sharing Results
SkillI apply this skillI would like more informationNot ApplicableComment
I compile my findings in a written format.
I use APA when compiling my findings.
I submit my findings to external organizations.
I submit my findings for peer review.
I present my findings at least once a year.
I publish my findings at least once a year.